Transferring files with WinSCP

To log in, choose the site (if saved) and click login. If you have not saved the site, but followed the previous steps, just click login.
When you have logged in successfully, WinSCP will look like the image above. On the left hand side of the window is your local computer. You can use this window to navigate to files you wish to transfer to the server, or to a directory you wish to download files to from the server.
On the right hand side of the window you have the directories on the server. You must enter the directory named "files" to see any of the available files on the server.


The directory files is not writeable by you. You cannot transfer files here, move existing files, delete files or change any files here. The directory named upload serves this purpose instead. You can transfer files to the server by navigating into the upload directory within the files directory and copy the files to that directory.

Drag & Drop

You can also drag & drop files to and from the right hand window from anywhere in the Windows operating system.

Transferring files in Linux

Since SSH login is disabled on the server, you cannot navigate the file structure without an ftp client. But there is an alternative SCP
scp -i pathToMyKeyFile -r {local path}
This will copy the whole file structure from the server to {local path} on your computer. If you wish to transfer a file to the server, use the following command:
scp -i pathToMyKeyFile {local file}{filename on server}
and if you want to upload a complete directory with files:
scp -i pathToMyKeyFile -r {local directory}{directory name on server}


There are some ftp clients for Linux that can authenticate using keyfiles. But instructions for using different Linux clients lies outside of the scope of this instruction page. you can contact if you need assistance with a particular client.